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Start your journey or further your healing with knowledge

One of our best guides is the silent voice within; our intuition; our gut.  However, to clearly hear that part of ourselves takes practice and clearing out the mental and emotional clutter we tend to build up from our busy environments.

There are several tools that return us to that space of listening; that place of alignment.  This can be done by practicing on our own or joining like-minded groups.  We suggest both!

     • Please join our Facebook Group: Peace Fueled Empowerment

     • Also, let us know who you are and your email, and receive your Free Chakra Guide below!

Chakra Discovery Guide

Gain an understanding of our seven main Chakras and recognize your emotional states when they are blocked, overactive, or balanced.




Click here to download

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Goal Garden Workbook

Inside this interactive workbook, you will learn to plant the seeds of your goals, nourish them with positivity and affirmations, and release limiting beliefs that hold you back. Like a gardener tending to their garden, you’ll learn how to cultivate the soil of your mind and nurture the seeds of your dreams to fruition. Join us and awaken your potential to thrive in all areas of your life.



Keep in mind you can intensify your Goal Garden's growth by taking part in Goal Garden Meditation! Tap below to see if this service feels correct for you.

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How Can I Further My Healing?

We suggest an Environmental Energy Clearing.  Your home, being physically cleaned or straightened up is a great start, however it's that vibrational shift and feeling of lightness that's attained from your space being energetically clean.  This does wonders for the spirit, mind and body!


We have found that an Energy Clearing, not only enlightens your space, which enhances calm and peace, it also inspires to create consistency with meditative practices or wellness rituals that keep you at optimum health!

Tap/Click below to review what your journey with Being Calm Wellness has to offer.

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